Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Title: Combined Model-based Analysis & Testing of Embedded Systems

  • Type: Artemis Call 10

  • Instrument: FP7 project

  • Duration: November 2011 - October 2014

  • Coordinator: Daimler (Germany)

  • Others partners: 38 partners in Austria, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and United Kingdom

  • See also: http://www.artemis-ia.eu/project/index/view/?project=29

  • Abstract: MBAT will mainly focus on providing a technology platform for effective and cost-reducing validation and verification of embedded systems, focusing primarily on transportation domain, but also to be used in further domains. The project involves thirty three European industrial (large companies and SMEs) and five academic partners. Radhia Cousot is the principal investigator for this project.

  • Title: Memory Compositional Abstract Domains

  • Type: IDEAS ()

  • Instrument: ERC Starting Grant (Starting)

  • Duration: October 2011 - September 2016

  • Coordinator: Inria (France)

  • Others partners: none

  • See also: http://www.di.ens.fr/~rival/memcad.html

  • Abstract: The MemCAD project aims at setting up a library of abstract domains in order to express and infer complex memory properties. It is based on the abstract interpretation frameworks, which allows to combine simple abstract domains into complex, composite abstract domains and static analyzers. While other families of abstract domains (such as numeric abstract domains) can be easily combined (making the design of very powerful static analyses for numeric intensive applications possible), current tools for the analysis of programs manipulating complex abstract domains usually rely on a monolithic design, which makes their design harder, and limits their efficiency. The purpose of the MemCAD project is to overcome this limitation. Our proposal is based on the observation that the complex memory